Montreal 07 - Father's Day

I was kidding with my friend Brian from work that I may ride up to Montreal this weekend - my trip fell through in Florida again. The kidding became real and plans were set. The deal was, if I rode 400 miles to Montreal, Brian would rent a motorcycle.

The plan was to ride to work and head to Montreal after work. I was not sure how I'd feel to ride 50 miles to work, work for the day, then boogie 400 miles to Montreal. I packed the ol' girl up for the trip.

I boogied up to MTL after work on Friday around 3PM and arrived around 10PM. My phone locked up in the middle of the Adirondacks so I lost connection with Brian and Leslie.

Brian ended up renting a MC for his Father's Day gift and we rode to Mt. Tremblant on Saturday. It was pretty unique for me because it seemed that French was the primary language up there and Brian (Jack) had to rescue me with de french. We had a good ride and fun trip. In the evening, Danielle and Jack (let's switch now) took me into the heart of MTL and we had supper.

Sunday I decided to ride home after we tootled in the morning. we went to a cool diner in the morning - completely french. I ordered pancakes and not french toast.

I skipped on the Canadian fuel costs and chose to wait till I got back to the states. I rode the 1100 as this as I'd ever want to again. The Adirondacks snuck up on me before I realized how low the tank was. The GPS displayed that I was actually going to run out of fuel - the next station was simply too far. Low and behold- I new station was built since the mapping software of the GPS - WHEW!

It was a 1,000 mile trip over 2.5 days and I was beginning to cramp up when I was about 150 miles from home. I tried to keep moving and was successful of avoiding any serious cramping.

It was nice to be home and was a nice little journey.