Since my schedule is going to get more crazy with class starting on Tuesday, I thought I would clean the 6P, 3P, and 2P connectors.
On the VRR terninal, I noticed one of the yellow wires had gotten hot enough to turn the plastic around it a brown tint. I greased it up and reconnected it.
On the 3P, one of the yellow wires had gotten hot enough to melt some of the red connector. I marked the wires, clipped the connector, and soldered the wires together.
I also cleaned and greased the 2P.
The gas tank HAS been removed in the past; one of the connectors was wedged between the frame and the tank. Aslo, I noticed that it looks like the swingarm may have been removed, and without a tool. It looks like someone used a punch and hammer to remove it and retighten it.
When I started her up, the voltmeter dropped to 10V, which has never happened before but considering that the battery was at 12.8 before I started it, I figured it was probably error. It cranked up to 14.8 at 4k-5k and I killed it after a few seconds. I got approval to save up for the alternator upgrade over the winter. The ST is an amazing machine. I'm convinced, it's the only toy that I want -- I'm selling the El Camino and Honda ACE cruiser. I have no desire with them compared to the ST.