080622 Vermont Trip

080622 VT Trip - Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

Final Odometer: 110,025 miles

2003 ST1300

Check out the new wheels!

2003 ST1300

She arrived last Friday. 105k miles - it's simply awesome. Not sure what I am going to do with the 1100. I need to post my Montreal trip this week to catch up.

Oh, I think I am naming it Mr. Jingles after the tried and true mouse friend from the movie The Green Mile.

Montreal 07 - Father's Day

I was kidding with my friend Brian from work that I may ride up to Montreal this weekend - my trip fell through in Florida again. The kidding became real and plans were set. The deal was, if I rode 400 miles to Montreal, Brian would rent a motorcycle.

The plan was to ride to work and head to Montreal after work. I was not sure how I'd feel to ride 50 miles to work, work for the day, then boogie 400 miles to Montreal. I packed the ol' girl up for the trip.

I boogied up to MTL after work on Friday around 3PM and arrived around 10PM. My phone locked up in the middle of the Adirondacks so I lost connection with Brian and Leslie.

Brian ended up renting a MC for his Father's Day gift and we rode to Mt. Tremblant on Saturday. It was pretty unique for me because it seemed that French was the primary language up there and Brian (Jack) had to rescue me with de french. We had a good ride and fun trip. In the evening, Danielle and Jack (let's switch now) took me into the heart of MTL and we had supper.

Sunday I decided to ride home after we tootled in the morning. we went to a cool diner in the morning - completely french. I ordered pancakes and not french toast.

I skipped on the Canadian fuel costs and chose to wait till I got back to the states. I rode the 1100 as this as I'd ever want to again. The Adirondacks snuck up on me before I realized how low the tank was. The GPS displayed that I was actually going to run out of fuel - the next station was simply too far. Low and behold- I new station was built since the mapping software of the GPS - WHEW!

It was a 1,000 mile trip over 2.5 days and I was beginning to cramp up when I was about 150 miles from home. I tried to keep moving and was successful of avoiding any serious cramping.

It was nice to be home and was a nice little journey.

40A Alternator Upgrade (and other elect goodies)

Mileage - 129935

I went with the 40A upgrade due to the issues of last fall. It took me about 4 months to complete the prject but it was well worth it. Pics and notes can be viewed here...

And seperate pics are here...

ST 40A Alternator Upgrade

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I updated all of the accessory wiring and added a 6 gang fuse box (sweet!). Slot 1 is for the switch on the dash (also new), 2 is for the left powerlet, 3 is a spare, and 4 is for the GPS. I also added a powerlet connector that goes directly to the battery (fused of course) for quick jump starts and charges to avoid removing the left side cover. I reconditioned all of the connectors and connections with dielectric grease and she now puts out beautifly.

I changed the oil for the 2nd ARX rinse with some more Exxon 20-50. I had to hunt the SL down and it is all now SG.

Additionally, I bought a new pumpkin from the late Bill Boyd that has only 9,000 original miles from it. It was from a crashed ST and was his spare. It really brought the bike together and made a difference it throttle response. Of course, Amsoil gear lube was added.

Let's RIDE!

RiSTa Maintenance - Electical

Since my schedule is going to get more crazy with class starting on Tuesday, I thought I would clean the 6P, 3P, and 2P connectors.
On the VRR terninal, I noticed one of the yellow wires had gotten hot enough to turn the plastic around it a brown tint. I greased it up and reconnected it.
On the 3P, one of the yellow wires had gotten hot enough to melt some of the red connector. I marked the wires, clipped the connector, and soldered the wires together.
I also cleaned and greased the 2P.
The gas tank HAS been removed in the past; one of the connectors was wedged between the frame and the tank. Aslo, I noticed that it looks like the swingarm may have been removed, and without a tool. It looks like someone used a punch and hammer to remove it and retighten it.

When I started her up, the voltmeter dropped to 10V, which has never happened before but considering that the battery was at 12.8 before I started it, I figured it was probably error. It cranked up to 14.8 at 4k-5k and I killed it after a few seconds. I got approval to save up for the alternator upgrade over the winter. The ST is an amazing machine. I'm convinced, it's the only toy that I want -- I'm selling the El Camino and Honda ACE cruiser. I have no desire with them compared to the ST.

RiSTa Maintenance 129343 miles

-Drained and replaced engine oil - Exxon SL 20W50 (1st rinse cycle)
-Replaced oil filter - OEM

Ooltewah, TN Trip 2006 - Saturday 8/5 - Day 8

We attempted to get on the road early again but we did not get hit it until 7:00am. I ate a little oatmeal at the hotel and we packed up. I was feeling so-so but was well enough to ride safely.

We made numerous stops due to my fatigue -- one was for a breakfast sandwich at a Burger King.

We made a number of other stops at rest stops as it was another hot day. The ride back to NY felt like it went very quickly. We stopped by the Cracker Barrel for supper, the same Cracker Barrel that we had stopped at on the way down.

We arrived back to Middletown around 4pm. 2160 miles in all.

It was a GREAT trip, but it was another trip that did not tell me what kind of miles I can ride. Leslie was with me, it was a recreational trip, and I feeling poorly all were realistic reasons.

I am REALLY ready for the next tour after we do a little more work on RiSTa and get a break from school.

Ooltewah, TN Trip 2006 - Friday 8/4 - Day 7

We decided to change our ride times (dad 2nd the decision)... Since I was having issues with the heat and still not feeling well (65%), we thought it might be better that we ride early in the morning and stop around noon-2pm. This plan would allow me to ride in the cooler part of the day and stop a little early, early enough for dinner and to relax.

We packed up and walked next door to CrackerBarrel for breakfast at 5:45am -- they were closed and suppose to open at 6:00am. We decided to do the offered continental breakfast at the hotel and hit the road. As we passed Shannon's (brother) exit, I SO badly wanted to swing by and honk the horn to wake everyone up. Now thinking about it, I should have!

My riding partner and I headed up I-75 towards I-40. We hit a little traffic south of Knoxville - somewhat expected. As we passed the I-140 exit to the Great Smokey Mountains, I began to think... "Leslie sure would like Cades Cove! Did we do that years ago? I don't think so! But it will be an all day deal but FUN! Do it! Don't Do it! Do it!" She would forever remember it and it would bring back such awesome memories of grandma and grandpa Paschal taking us there in the summers and children.
I kept riding until I could not bear it any longer. We pulled off onto the SR-66 exit.
"Hey, want to do Cade's Cove? It's where grandma and grandpa were rangers, well, grandma was!", I asked.
"I don't know. If you do".
She really did not know what it was. I decided to move on and save Cades Cove for another trip.

We kept NE to I-40 and to I-81. We made it to Roanoke without any issue, just as planned, around 2:00pm and checked in to the Mainstay Suites. They operated the way I would if I ran a hotel! Though their rates were $130/night, they asked what the prices were of other hotels and matched $89! They figured $89 was better than an empty room and I AGREE!

Heat exhaustion conditon: 70% normal

We walked about 1/8 mile to a seafood restaurant. I cannot recall the name (something "Fin") but it was absolutely terrible. I wan not feeling well at all. After we ate, we walked another 1/4 mile to a mall in search of some Gatorade or Powerade. We found -- nothing. Fortunately, their was a GNC and they had some wierd power drink on sale. I was in situation where I really didn't care, I need something that contained electrolytes to drink. We walked back to the hotel and I nursed on the drinks. Leslie ordered me so Applebee's appetizers and I ate and crashed.

Ooltewah, TN Trip 2006 - Thursday 8/3 - Day 6

I woke up feeling like a truck ran me over - like I had a bad hangover and we drank nothing but Gatorade. We concluded that I had heat exhaustion. I stayed in bed all day and drank Powerade and Gatorade. I felt well enough later in the day to grab some food with the family.

Ooltewah, TN Trip 2006 - Wednesday 8/2 - Day 5

We spent the whole day unloading Shannon and Jodi's trailer to the new home...

We had chinese food, contrary to dad's preference. He liked it... Dad liked it!